Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Holiday Cheer..

I have to admit that I have not spent much time at my sewing machine lately. 
The thought is always in my mind but the holiday really wiped me out!
I was so tired, but after catching up on my sleep last night, I finally sat down to sew this afternoon when my little one was sleeping.

This is what I created:
A little draw string bag! So awesome!
All I know is that it was quick, easy and I want to make more!

But before I start that, I shall probably finish up a few quilts..
We will see. ;)

Monday, December 19, 2011

Tiny Sewer.

This morning I found my 1 year old daughter like this;
Clearly she has caught the sewing bug that her mother has. ;)

Friday, December 16, 2011

Going Going Gone!

I am so pleased to say that tonight, right when doors opened, I had someone come up to me and want to buy my little boy quilt. (Which I named 'Dizzy Dinos', by the way.)

Remember this one!? Well, it will now be given to some expecting mother for her baby shower. I have to say, the feeling is SO surreal that someone bought a quilt of mine for someone. And that someone out in the world who I do not know will hopefully be giving this blanket lots of lovin'. 

I miss it already though. :( 
Right after it sold, I felt a piece of me leave. Ha, I know that sounds so lame, but I really did love this quilt and I really was SO proud of it.

However, on another note, I made something else to sell at the bazaar:
Felt hair clips! I loved them! And they were so much fun to make. :) 
No glue was used in these, just felt and embroidery floss.
My favorite? The snowman.
And you wouldn't believe it.. but it sold right off the bat.
I miss him too. Hah.

Anyways, one thing that i was really bummed about was that I never got to finish my jelly roll quilt. I have been having SO much trouble with it, and then just decided to relax and come back to it at a different time. (My husband is probably secretly glad though because he loves that quilt and wants to keep it.) I pieced the back because the original I bought was too small. Well, when I go to sew all the layers together, the back just gets all bunched and bad looking. I don't know if I am not basting it right or what, but this has NEVER happened.. 

..But then again, I've never made a quilt this big before.
I am open to suggestions.. anyone..

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

First Boy Quilt..

I have successfully completed my first little boy quilt. And I must say that I LOVE it..
As does my daughter.
I am almost tempted to make another just so that I can purchase this really really really cute robot fabric I saw at Fabric Depot last weekend.
Anyways here it is; COMPLETED and ready for a little boy's love:
(I even went out in the freezing cold with no shoes to take a picture so the colors would be more true to life! Haha)

And a closer up. Bugs on the back! Woo who!
Love it!

Gotta run, and get some things done around the house while my little one is sleeping. :)
Oh, I love seeing her all cuddled up with quilts I have made for her. <3

Friday, December 2, 2011


Although again it is HORRID picture quality, I SWEAR soon I will have a better computer that I can actually hook my camera to, I finished my baby girl quilt 100 percent. 
Now as I was quilting all of the layers together, I suddenly realized I had never really planned out a fabric to do for my binding and I was suddenly stuck in pickle.
Digging through my fabric stash I pulled out one of the only super solids that I have.. yellow.
I toyed with the idea and ultimately decided I would do it.
Now the quilt itself has pink and green but I thought that it would compliment it nice, maybe even make it pop.
My sister said no, my husband said yes.
And.. my gut said yes..
If it ended up being horrid I could always change it.. right?!

Well, I am very pleased with the results and I am so glad that I went with the yellow. :)
I started off not liking this quilt, quite honestly.
But now I kind of love it and I hope that some little girl will love it too!

'Till next time! :)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Last Complete.

Today while the little one was napping I was finally able to finish my final quilt top that will be for sale at the bazaar on the 16th.
The days are just ticking away so fast it feels like I am never able to get anything done as fast as I'd like to.
Maybe it's that every Wednesday night I am consumed in American Horror Story.
Ooo, it's soo good and if you don't watch it, I recommend that you start.. NOW.

(I was unable to smooth it out because the ground was wet and I didn't want my quilt top to get muddy!)

I was so excited, I wasn't paying attention and got a boo-boo from the scalding iron. :(


Anyways, tomorrow night I will be working my booty off getting all 3 quilts completed. 
I am so excited.

By the way.. 
My little one.. 
Not so into Santa Clause. ;) 

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Not a Lot of Work..

Quite honestly, not a lot of work has been going on around here. I started a new job and have been crazy busy there, and then at night when I get home (Or in the mornings for that matter) all I want to do is hang out with this little girl:

I have however added the borders to my quilts below and hope to soon bind them. I want to finish this other quilt top first (pictures to come). I don't have much longer before they really need to be done.. like 2 weeks, so it's CRUNCH time. 
I will be getting back into my groove tonight. :D

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Two Nights

For some reason I was thinking that making the baby quilts for the bazaar were going to take me a lot longer but I guess being as determined as I am, I got them done within two nights. :)

(The quilt tops are done minus the borders which I need to buy fabric for.) :D
Yay! I especially love the way the boy one turned out.
I still don't know if I am too fond of the girl one.

Friday, November 11, 2011

It's About to Get Busy Around Here..

So today I was finally able to make it out to one of my most favorite places.. Fabric Depot! I so desperately needed to get new fabric for the quilts that I am going to make for the holiday bazaar coming up! 
It was packed.
My little girl was running around (with supervision of course!) and needed a nap.
My Husband was looking around at yarns and gadgets.
I was grabbing all the fabric that I thought was cute before someone else snagged it.

In the end we made out with some great things! And at a steal of a price. 

(These pictures are all going to be horrible quality so apologies in advance, you will get the idea though. ;) )

This will go with an adorably cute owl panel that I got. The fabrics match perfectly and I have a little feeling in my gut that it will be hard to part with this quilt.. so we will set it aside for later.. ;)

These here are not for any quilt in particular they were just cute and I felt like I needed them, so into the stash they go for a later use. Hah.

These are for my little boy quilt that I am going to be making and selling. Although I was a little bummed that I could not find the coordinating stripped with teeth fabric that goes with the dinosaur fabric collection (I am sure someone else probably had it in their cart!) I am still excited about this as I have only really made little girl quilts.. no little boy ones! So this will be a first. ;)

And last but certainly not least, these are the fabrics for the little girl quilt that I will be making and selling. I am really excited about these just because they are so bright and cheerful and cute. My husband told me that I should stop getting such bright fabric and that I should go with more "earth tone" colors.. buuut nah, that isn't what I am drawn to. :D This one is going to be a good one! :D

So, although I would love to work on these tonight, I still need to sort out which pattern I am going to use (I've just been thinking of a million that would be cute and they are all rolling around in my head.. ugh, I should probably draw them out!), My husband and I are going on a much needed date night, so these will have to wait till tomorrow night!

I am so excited to get started though. Only a few weeks to go before the bazaar!
Stay tuned for the final quilts.

On an even more cute note.. my daughter has the TINIEST feet in the world (she till wears a size 2 baby shoe at over a year old!) I finally decided that she needed another pair and these were so cute! Haha, we got them in a 3, so they are a little big, but so stinking cute!


Monday, November 7, 2011

Holiday Bazaar!

So this last weekend I was hanging out with my in-laws and my mother-in-law was telling me about how her work does a holiday bazaar and how she was wondering if my sister in law would like to reserve a table. Instantly we were both excited and jumped on the opportunity! And to my surprise, my husband did too! (He has recently become a knitting addict.)

Anywho, I am so beyond excited that I will have a chance to sell my hand made goods. I am thinking about making a baby girl blanket and a baby boy blanket and putting those up for sale. Also, I am debating on making some hair clips that I've recently fell in love with doing. 

I also got another notice of someone wanting to buy a quilt from me! It will be for her daughter's first birthday. I cannot tell you how excited I am and how honored I am that people actually want to buy my work! :)

I also just wanted to share something cute. My husband made me a hat the other night (no picture yet!) and it turned out great. He started and finished one last night for our daughter and I must say, she looks so stinking cute in it! This morning she found it and put it on all by herself and has just been wearing it all around! :) 

Great job, daddy!

(I also believe he will start selling them in my Etsy shop, once we get it up and running, probably by the end of the week. ;) )


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

So Incredibly Proud..

So the other day I was thinking to myself that I would like to step out of my comfort zone for a minute and attempt at making a dress for my little one.
I was so nervous but the idea just wouldn't leave me alone so I acted on it. ;)
I went to JoAnn's and bought a yard of this super cute fabric since it was on sale at a slammin' good price.
 The fabric then sat for a day or two as I pondered and read up on some patterns. I have a great book called Simple Sewing for Baby that I ended up kind of using.
I am a woman who looks and then does. I cannot follow a pattern.
Last night I decided after I put the little one to bed that it was time. I was going to make this dress. I told no one, that way if it turned out a hot mess, I wouldn't be embarrassed. ;)
I cut and sewed.
Cut and sewed.
Seam ripped.
Cut and sewed.
I got horribly lost in the directions and suddenly I just could NOT understand what the heck I was doing. So determined to make SOMETHING cute, I took matters into my own hands and just did what I thought would look and be right.
I could not be more pleased with my first little dress!

Here it is! I love it! 
This morning I could NOT wait for my little one to wake up so I could try it on her!
It fits with room to grow (she's so petite!) and she looked SO mighty cute!
(This is a horrible cell phone picture that does NO justice for the dress. My husband even commented that it was a bad picture because the whole dress isn't visible in the picture. I have a blackberry and it SUCKS and it cannot process as fast as my daughter moves. SO this is what I got. HOWEVER, I did get some AMAZINGLY cute ones of her running around the front yard in the dress and I PROMISE to put them up on the computer as soon as possible!)


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

November 1st and Husband's Quilt.

I cannot believe that it is already November 1st. Which means that it is getting seriously close to the end of the year. 
That went by completely too fast.
Anyways, I've been working away when the little one is sleeping and busting out blocks for a quilt that my Husband has been begging me for. He is really excited about finally getting a quilt from me (He doesn't find it fair that our daughter has already been the receiver of 3). He picked out all the fabric that is being used in his quilt, so that will basically ensure that he likes it. 
Here is the progress that I've made. Now this picture doesn't look like a lot of blocks but they are all spread and stacked and believe me.. there is a LOT here:
Anyways, my little pumpkin was so cute for Halloween. 
She was my little Pebbles Flintstone! 

Hope everyone had a great, safe Halloween!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Quilt That Started it All.

For the last hour I have been working on my blog and trying to make it beautiful but let me just be honest with myself. I am not that great with computer stuff and html. So I did the best that I could and hope that it won't drive me nuts until I can figure it out! Haha.

Anyways, as I was looking for the perfect picture to put on the top of my page I stumbled across this:
This is the very first quilt that I made. I decided after collecting much amounts of fabric that I would actually try to make a quilt and I decided I would make it for my daughter (whom I was pregnant with at the time.) I started cutting the pieces to this quilt and went into labor the same night (technically morning. ;) ) 
When she was a few months old, I finally got back to it, determined to finish something and here it is! This is the quilt that started it all. From then on out, I have been addicted to buying fabric, and making quilts (and other goods). I love the feeling of getting closed to being finished and in the end having created something SO cool!
Just thought that I would share. :)  

 To this day, she knows that this quilt is hers. 

Ps, as far as things go that I have been working on, tonight I finished the top of this quilt:
I absolutely love it! Now I just have to get some batting and also figure out what to do with it! 
In the mean time I will be creating the quilt my husband has been dying for. ;)

Until next time!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Oh yes.

So I am pretty proud because I thought of something pretty inventive. I plan to put it on here, and I plan to share it with you all but before I am ready to release it, I am thinking about putting it into my Etsy shop. I have just created this and have not yet been brave enough to put anything in there, but I recently came to the realization that I really have nothing to lose. So here I go, I am going to give it a try. Look out for this really awesome thing I am talking about. Hahaha. ;)

Thursday, October 27, 2011

In With the Old.

So currently my Husband's and my budget have not allowed for the ever so fun splurging on fabric so I can store and stash. And as much as I would love to just go to the fabric store to look around.. I would REALLY have to control myself in not wanting all of the cute fabrics and things that they would so rudely be flaunting in my face. ;) 
So home I've stayed just looking at quilting blogs, getting inspired. 
Learning new things, such as the star that I showed in my previous post.. 
Speaking of, I actually made a few more of them here:

Still not sure where I am going with these, but I am positive that something will unfold itself.

Anyhow yesterday as my daughter and I were tearing apart my scrap bin looking to see what goods were hidden within, I found a bunch of squares that I had pieced almost if not over two years ago. WOW! It was one of my first things I did when I got my sewing machine. Then I must have got distracted (imagine that!) and went on creating other goods. Well, I busted it out and while the wee one was napping today I pieced all of the squares into strips and I plan to finish this quilt in the next day or two. :) I am really excited about it and actually am loving it even more then when I first made just the squares. Don't know what I am going to do with it when I am done, probably ANOTHER quilt for my daughter.. hahaha. :D

Any ways, pretty cool what you find when you are looking.

Monday, October 24, 2011

The Motivation is Back!

Something finally clicked in my head and suddenly I just found myself cutting fabric for my Husband's quilt that he has been asking and asking and asking for. Well, after all the pieces have finally been cut out, the process was put on hold because I need to get MORE fabric, a solid brown. I know that doesn't sound great, but believe me, it will be. :) 

Anyways, I needed SOMETHING to do and so I just got to thinking and wanting to try something that wasn't just squares or rectangles. So I found a great tutorial on how to make stars and turns out, it was pretty simple! :)
Here is the block I created:
To be honest, it turned out a lot better than I expected. Currently my sister thinks that this is going to be made into a quilt for her.. delusional? Maybe.. maybe not. We will see how it all pans out. For now, I am excited that I learned how to do something new! :)

That's all for now! I will post when this quilt starts turning out more!

Thursday, October 20, 2011


I find it quite sad that lately I have been a little down in the dumps for lots of reasons and many reasons that are unbeknownst to me at this time. (I have also doubled my shifts at work which mean that when I am home I want to spend as much time with my little girl as possible.) But because of all of this, I haven't been able to sew, I am stuck. I have plenty of supplies and I have all these ideas and possibilities running through my head constantly but then at the end of the day (or during nap time) I am unable to actually find the motivation to do anything. Ugh! I am sure that this has happened to most but I am just hoping that soon this will pass and I will be able to start on and finish the quilts that are rolling around in my brain!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Been working.. and quilting.

I have started and to my surprise completed quite a few projects in the last two weeks. First here is Emelia's birthday quilt that I had finished but kept a secret until the day of:

It turned out great. A lot better then I had actually expected and to top it off it was my very first time doing binding on a blanket. :) I figured it out and it just all worked out. (Ps, bear with me on the horrible picture quality. I have pictures taken on my camera but have yet to put them onto the computer so that will come at a later date. For now we have to suffer with cell phone pictures! Yuck!)

Anyways, then I got to looking at some designs here and there and started to plan a new quilt. The final project was small.. only 36x36 but it was perfect for my little girl who instantly became obsessed with just the quilt top when I was making it. She started carrying it all around and so I just decided to keep is small and have a "snuggle blanket" for her. This was that project:

(Again with the cell phone pictures! I am SORRY!) But anyways, I just loved how it turned out. After it was completed, my friend's daughter's birthday was rolling around the corner. I thought to myself that it would be great fun to give a quilt as a gift. (C'mon! Who wouldn't love that!) I did basically the same pattern but a few of the fabrics were different. This was the final quilt for my friend's daughter:

It turned out great and they loved it! Now I want to make more gifts! :)
Anyways, a lot has been going on here, but I just wanted to take a minute while Emelia was napping and share my recent quilts! 
Until next time! :D

Monday, September 12, 2011

My First Post!

So I have officially decided to start blogging so I can post some of my quilt processes, final quilts, and other craft ideas that I have. :) And also just to share some thoughts. I have decided to name my blog "My Beautiful Day", because my daughter, Emelia is my beautiful Day. She is almost a year now (in 6 days to be exact)! The last year has just flown by and I really cannot imagine my life without her in it. She is the smartest, most funny most sweet little girl I have ever met and I am so proud to be her mama. :)

My Beautiful Day

Anyways, that's it for my first post. I will get better at this and I will also upload to share the quilts I have made and the one that I am currently working on. Keep a lookout. ;)