Thursday, September 20, 2012

Party time!

Although I am still eagerly waiting till I can reveal the big project I have finished and sent off, I have been sketching and thinking of a few ideas.. 

Okay.. more than a few.
I have a big bin of fabric yet  I need to get to Fabric Depot because nothing in my stash is right for what I want..
I know you guys can relate. ;)

Anywho, this last Saturday my little girl turned 
I can't believe it. 
And I don't know where the time went. :(

The child has never been sick in her entire two years of life.
She would get a cold the day of her party. 
Poor girl.

She still was incredibly spoiled and in a fairly good mood. :)
It was her party. She could cry if she wants to. Hah.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Mission Accomplished..

Now don't go thinking that I dropped off the face of the planet!

I've been gathering fabric around here, not to mention creating numerous amounts of WIPs.
(I need to start cracking down on those before I start anything else- ha!)

I got an offer last month to work on a project.
I can't say too much about it now besides the fact that I was very nervous as it was the biggest quilt I have ever made in my entire life.

I was scared that it would turn out like poo.

I worked every single night, well into the morning and yesterday I finished the quilt!
And took a few pictures-- before the hubby got grumpy.
And then delivered it.
2 weeks early!

I was feeling very proud of myself.

I can't share any pictures just yet- but promise I will soon.
Damn anxiety. Ha!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Miserable and Lazy.

Though I have been going for walks every day, soaking up the vitamin D
I have been pretty miserable thus far in my pregnancy.
I am almost 20 weeks and am STILL sick all the time.
And just feel fat and gross.
All new to me as I didn't feel this way with my first.

On the bright side though, my little man is so active.
And I forgot how amazing it is when you feel them kicking and squirming in there.

I've been pretty lazy with my quilting. 
Not sure why.
Could be the miserableness.
Or the exhaustion.
Or a bit of both.

However, after my last post my friend contacted me and wanted me to make her a scrappy baby doll quilt for her daughter too. 
I took her up on the offer and got right to work that night and delivered it the next morning.
(She just lives down the street)

Scrappy front.
I seriously have found a new love for scraps!!

Backing was just some random material I have no idea how I accumulated. Ha!

First time using one of my labels. ;)
I always forget about these things.

More wavy line quilting.
Love! Love! Love!

 So now each of our girls have one. :)

Monday, July 16, 2012

Sweet Baby.

I have been lazy.
Oh, so lazy when it comes to my sewing machine.
But I have gotten the pieces cut out for a little boy quilt I am making. 

Which reminds me..
I found out the the baby I am currently growing in my belly..
Is a boy! 
My husband is SO excited.
I still can't believe I am going to have another baby.

That being said, today while my little one was napping, I decided I needed to get crackin' on a baby doll quilt for her.
The reason for this being I find it so sweet, but so sad that she drags her big quilts around from off of her bed and drowns her dolls, little ponies and Barbies in them.

All of the pieces were taken out of my scrap bin. 
This is what I came up with:

(Laughing at the random brown fabric. Hah!)


The colors are a lot brighter in person.
I am just too lazy to go outside and take a good picture.

I quilted it with wavy lines which I've recently fallen in love with. 

Now baby doll can nap comfortably.

My daughter loved it right away.
She was anxiously waiting for me to finish it while she ate her lunch.

It's made literally like I would a bigger quilt.
A layer of Warm and Natural in the middle.

Productive day.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Favorite Color Combo.

There is just something about gray and yellow that I love.
It somehow just goes together so incredibly well. 

I had purchased a jelly roll of this fabric from JoAnn's as well as a charm pack.
And a yard of the gray fabric, which was my favorite. 

At first I had in my mind that I was going to make a quilt for me. 
One of my very own, but that has changed and this will probably end up being a child's quilt.
(Possibly to be kept for my new little one. ;) )

Please forgive the cell phone pictures that will follow. Ha.
Way too lazy at the moment.
I cut the jelly roll into 320 blocks.
Each 2.5 inches square.

I had an idea in mind for what I was going to do.
But as soon as I cut them.. a thousand (okay three) other ideas flooded my brain.

They all start with the same layout, so for that I am lucky.

I need to get to sewing.
I can't see what ends up actually happening. 

Friday, June 15, 2012

Sunshine Girl

I have finally been able to get out with some sunshine and snap a few quick photos of my newest favorite quilt. ;)
I had to be quick because we were at the park and my little one is very adventurous.

Anyhow, I will be taking it out again, 
but thought I would share. :)

It's so pretty and girly. 

Over the weekend, I finished up my Spring Term classes for school.
Decided against my better judgement and decided not to take any Summer classes.
I'd like the spend the summer relaxing, sewing and reading.
And that's what I plan to do!

Hoping to make and share some awesome goodies over the next few weeks!

Monday, May 28, 2012

As I Promised..

As I promised in my last post, I do have something to share today. 
I am so glad that it's done, but a little sad at the same time because that means that it will be finding a new home soon.
I finished this quilt on Saturday late night/early am.
And I am in love. 
I knew I would love it when I started it.

Here is a small sneak peek at the front/ back/ binding. :)
I am waiting for the weather to warm up so I can take her out and do a proper photo shoot. 

I also decided to branch out with this quilt and instead of straight line quilt it all;
I attempted some wavy lines.
Of all people my Husband told me he really liked it.

More photos to come so stay tuned!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Not Abandoned.

Despite what the absence looks like, I have not abandoned my blog.
It's nearing the end of the school term so I have been focusing all of my attention on that.
As well as healing from the accident.
Taking care of my daughter.
Sewing when I have a chance.
Settling in to try to read something other than a textbook.
And being SO sick and nauseous with this pregnancy.

I promise this weekend I will have something good to post!

We went to the beach the other weekend.
The drive was a bit scary (as you could imagine)
BUT it was so much fun and I was so glad that we went.
My little one had a great time as soon as she warmed up to the sand and stopped thinking that it was gross.


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Car Accident

So yesterday was the scariest day of my life. 
This guy came flying through a 2 way stop/ 2 way yield intersection.
He didn't yield and as we were halfway through the intersection he smashed into us at 55/60 miles an hour.

We all are in a lot of pain and bruised up.
But I am so thankful for the lives of myself, my husband and my daughter.


 In the moment of the crash, I thought I was dying.
I didn't think that I was going to live through it. 
A car accident is one of my biggest fears and here it has happened.

Counting our blessings and hoping that we all recover quickly.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Birthday News.

So today was my birthday, I turned 22 years old. 
However, I feel way older than that. Ha!

It was a relaxing day at home with my daughter and then this evening I went out to dinner with my family-in-law.
At dinner I shared some news that I received today;
Disregarding what I said in my Little Apples post from a few days ago..
I am indeed pregnant!

Everyone is hoping for a boy.
I am hoping for a healthy baby with ten fingers and ten toes. ;)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


So, it's official! 
I got my labels made and they came in the mail yesterday!
Although I wish I would have gotten them printed a little darker, I love them.
My plan is to stitch over them in coordinating floss to match the quilt. ;)

I have also been getting to work on my Little Apples quilt.
So far I am loving it.
I ran out of my Kona solid gray, but I will be making a trip tomorrow to pick some up.
I can't wait to share it, but right now, I don't want to spoil it!

It's been so beautiful here in Portland. 
The sun has been shining and I have been making sure my little one has been getting out!
With lots of sunblock close by too!

I love my cutie! :)

Thursday, April 19, 2012

My Love of Little Apples.

Since I first saw Little Apples by Aneela Hoey, I wanted it.
I wanted it bad.
However, I never purchased any.. I don't even know why.
(You should know though, that as soon as A Walk in the Woods came out, I had my little grubby hands all over that. And I can't wait to use it!)

Anywho, my sweet sister-in-law knew and saw me long for these fabrics.
And she began bringing me 'treats'.
She would bring me an eighth or a quarter.
And suddenly I had a little pile:

(Her excuse for bringing these to me, was to make a quilt for baby number 2, though I am not currently pregnant. Hah! Sneaky!)

Over the last month, I have been agonizing over designing the perfect pattern for these fabrics.
I love them so much and I just don't want to mess up the cuteness.

And last night, it hit me!
I finally thought of a pattern. 
I started cutting into it today, and can't wait to carry on with cutting tonight!!
I cannot wait to show everyone. But for now, it's a secret. 
(Just in case I change my mind.. hah!)

While I was trying to take a few pictures, I found my daughter in the living room like this.
(Strips of a quilt I am making for my sister.)
She keeps wearing them as scarves. ;)

Monday, April 16, 2012

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

Unfortunately, I have nothing sewing wise to share today.
This is due to the fact that my family and I just moved across town, and I am back in school. I thought that taking online courses would mean less time spent on school shinanagans, but boy was I wrong. 
I have to be online all the time when I am not tending to my little one.
(Which is when she is napping or sleeping for the night.)
This is leaving me a little stressed as my mind is full of ideas, 
And the fabric stash is getting bigger..

Now how am I supposed to explain that to my Husband!?

However, something REALLY cool did happen. 
I was grabbing the last of our stuff from our old place, and I got a package from Godiva.
I was really intrigued, yet really confused as to who would be sending me such goodies.
There was no return address from the sender or purchaser of the treats.
So I opened it.
There was a box of Godiva chocolates, all for me. Mmmmm!
(They were really good by the way.)
Inside I looked at the receipt, and still no clues. 
There was a little card on the inside but it was unsigned.
I was really wondering now if I had a secret admirer. ;) 
Thinking that was it, I was about to pack up, but then I saw a small package that looked like it was wrapped like the stuffing of the box.
I opened it, and as soon as I saw the contents, I instantly knew and was incredibly excited!
It was a letter of congrats and a signed copy of Nicholas Sparks' The Lucky One.

Godiva and Nicholas Sparks had a contest a few months back called "The Sweetest Story Ever Told" and you basically entered and wrote a short love story. I wrote mine about the love I have for my daughter and how incredibly in love with her I fell on the day she was born.
And I was a first prize winner!

How cool is that?!
(By the way, Nicholas Sparks is one of my favorite authors, I already own all of his books, but now I have this signed one to add to my collection. ;) )

Thursday, April 12, 2012


This Tuesday, the 10th of April, my husband and I hit our 5 year anniversary.
(Being that I am not even 22, this makes me feel so old!)
Our day was spent moving across town. 
Oh the joy! 
But now we are getting settled in and the little one seems to really like having all the space to run and play.
In the month before we moved my Husband already had to start working at his new work location, so he was staying at his parents, and I was staying at mine. 
We got to see each other two days out of the week, and while we were apart, I began to work.
Remember these?
Well, they had been sitting for months and I just couldn't figure out what I wanted to do with them.
But I just went for it.

And it all worked out beautifully:
 This was the largest quilt that I have ever made, and yes, there was some difficulty sewing it at my little table.
It is not free of flaw, but it gives it personality. 

I am really proud of myself as well, because this design was 100 percent original. Came straight from my mind. Never seen it, no pattern followed. I just went with the flow.
 The colors of our new home are mostly brown with a little green, which it why I chose the green backing. To match and to break up all of the brown on the font. I also pieced it with left over blocks. :)

 I couldn't be happier with the way that it has turned out. 
I was really proud.
 And ps, I am so dedicated, I stayed up till 3am trying to finish this before my Husband came over to load boxes! 
A few times I almost went to bed, but I decided I needed to do it.
And I did.

 He knew exactly what it was once he started ripping into the wrapping. :)
He loved it! And it's already been being used everyday.

Anniversary quilt 64x64

Monday, April 2, 2012

Semi-Custom Finish!

I know I always say that I am in love with my quilts.
But let's be honest, it's really hard not to fall in love with something that you have worked so hard on creating!

And I really, really love this quilt.
It was a semi-custom order.
(I say semi-custom because I was told lots of purple, but was given the okay for use of my creative ability for the rest of everything.)
And this is what I came up with:

Complete and utter love.
I will be SO sad to see it go!
I even came up with a name for this one. ;)
Diamonds in the Jungle

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Birthday Skirt!

My sister wanted me to make a skirt for her, after she'd seen the one I made for my daughter.
I agreed and began looking around when I went to the fabric store.
I saw some fabric that I just totally loved and knew was her.
However, I didn't get any.
I visited Fabric Depot again and it was there, looking at me.
And I knew it was the one.

While the little miss was sleeping, I worked hard on getting this skirt done.
And finished before her birthday (which is tomorrow)
(My sister, not my daughter)

Anyhow, she loves it.
And I am jealous. ;)

Love, love, love.

I let her wear it to work today, even though her birthday isn't until tomorrow.
We had to do a flash photo shoot before she jetted off to work.
So I am not allowed to post any pictures that had her face until she approves that she looks okay. ;)

Friday, March 23, 2012

The End is Here!

I am so proud to say that I have made it through my first term back at school!
Now I am anxiously waiting for my grades to be posted.
And I keep frantically checking. 
I worked my ass off.
And put so much pressure on myself.
Fingers crossed for a 4.0!

Anyways, back to work on two custom orders.
I need to make a skirt for my sister's birthday which is Monday.
I also hope to finish my husband's quilt that he has been wanting.
We are moving on April tenth, which is also our anniversary.
I think that it will be quite the surprise for him.

I have two weeks of break! 
Cheers to sewing!