Thursday, September 20, 2012

Party time!

Although I am still eagerly waiting till I can reveal the big project I have finished and sent off, I have been sketching and thinking of a few ideas.. 

Okay.. more than a few.
I have a big bin of fabric yet  I need to get to Fabric Depot because nothing in my stash is right for what I want..
I know you guys can relate. ;)

Anywho, this last Saturday my little girl turned 
I can't believe it. 
And I don't know where the time went. :(

The child has never been sick in her entire two years of life.
She would get a cold the day of her party. 
Poor girl.

She still was incredibly spoiled and in a fairly good mood. :)
It was her party. She could cry if she wants to. Hah.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Mission Accomplished..

Now don't go thinking that I dropped off the face of the planet!

I've been gathering fabric around here, not to mention creating numerous amounts of WIPs.
(I need to start cracking down on those before I start anything else- ha!)

I got an offer last month to work on a project.
I can't say too much about it now besides the fact that I was very nervous as it was the biggest quilt I have ever made in my entire life.

I was scared that it would turn out like poo.

I worked every single night, well into the morning and yesterday I finished the quilt!
And took a few pictures-- before the hubby got grumpy.
And then delivered it.
2 weeks early!

I was feeling very proud of myself.

I can't share any pictures just yet- but promise I will soon.
Damn anxiety. Ha!