Friday, January 27, 2012

New Project Idea..

I really really really hate to say this..
But I have not been able to sew in almost a month and it is driving me CRAZY!
I have been so swamped with school work that it consumes every moment of my time (besides when I am taking care of my little one.) 
However, tonight, I am taking the night to do something that I WANT! 
..I will probably regret it tomorrow. Hah.

Today I stopped at Goodwill to see if they had any frames because I have a project in mind.
Hint: It's for my little one's room.
You probably got it by now..
But stay tuned for what happens with these puppies!

I'm so excited.
This is probably what I will be working on tonight, since it should be a fast project. 
Hope all is well with everyone!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow.

They said in the weather forecast for this weekend that it was going to snow..
Well, you can never really believe what the weather people tell you, but it is still okay to get your hopes up.. Right?
I have to admit, with school going on, and for only the first week, I only dream of using my sewing machine. Oh, I miss her so much right now and I just think and think and think of what to do, but I am drowning in homework and no matter how much of a temptation she is.. I cannot let her lure me in.. 
For now..
We will see how long until I crumble and give in.

Anyways, as I was originally saying about snow..
So this morning, my daughter and I woke up and looked outside to find that it has snowed but only a little and it was rapidly melting. I wanted her to be able to experience at least a LITTLE snow, so we hurried to get ready and I took her out. Despite the lack of snow, she still loved it..
(My cell phone camera wasn't able to pick up the small flurries.. haha!)

So in we went after her little hands got cold and her nose turned red and soon it was nap time.. Study time for me.. That ended with a quick look out the window. The Little Miss must have caught on, because on cue she woke up. When I got her out of the crib, she ran straight to the window.

So in that instant we hurried AGAIN to get dressed because we were determined not to miss it this time. And The Little Miss had SO much fun. Especially for her first time in the snow!

:) My little snow bear.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Tea Love.

As I was browsing around on Etsy the other night I started seeing these little tea bag wallets, and I thought- HOW COOL!?
So I looked and looked and looked and was able to put this together. 
I think it turned out pretty awesome.
It holds 4 tea bags and is held closed with a button.
Perfect for this fabric I've been wanting to get rid of. :)

 (I am so embarrassed. I should have lint rolled all the little stray pieces of thread. Clearly I was too excited.)
 Anyways, I am pretty thrilled. This one is on it's way to Washington for my cousin and I have to bust out another one tonight for my sister. :) 

School starts tomorrow. 
Wish me luck!

Saturday, January 7, 2012


Recently it has come to my attention that my fabric stash has been growing..
and growing..
and growing..
I realized this as I am constantly trying to clean up all my new fabric off my work table so I am actually able to sew something and there is no space for it in my storage bucket as that is overflowing and the lid will not stay on.
(My daughter has a hay day with that though, she loves taking the fabric out and wearing them.. haha)
So today, I bought a new fabric bin and it was HUGE, but almost not big enough.
It is already over halfway full and I haven't even finished loading it up with everything that I've got!
Not to mention my scrap bin is also overflowing.. note to self, get a bigger bin for that too.

I think that I might have a problem.
An addiction to fabric if you will.
I think this is normal..

My other problem..
My daughter.
She is just too cute for words. 


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

2010 "Hope to Get Done" Checklist.

I have decided to make a list of things that I hope to get done this year, since I am never really able to stick to my resolutions past about a week- which I think it typical for most. ;)

So here is my 2010 Hope to Get Done Checklist:

1.) Complete the quilt that I have started for my Husband- though it doesn't seem difficult, he wants it BIG.. This alone intimidates me as I am pretty much used to sewing lap quilts that hang over the couch or little kid quilts for their cribs.
2.) Complete my sister Abbigail's quilt. I have started this last April around her birthday, and I got sidetracked with moving and other things and so it sat.. and has been sitting for almost a year now. It is so close to being done, so I just need to power through it and get it finished!
3.) Make a wallet! I found a great tutorial for a wallet, which I will link it back to here. I really want to give it a try. I already went and bought all of the materials that I would need so here goes nothing!
4.) Finish opening up my Etsy shop!
5.) Start and complete a whole new bed set with matching pillows for my daughter's room. 
6.) Make some quilted pictures for her walls.
7.) Try LOTS of new things.
8.) Make pillows for my living room.
9.) Figure out and finish the rest of my "old lady quilt".
10.) Learn how to stipple! I bought a new walking foot but am SO intimidated to give it a try. I absolutely LOVE the way that it looks and am determined to get it down!
And most of all: Relax, have fun and believe in myself!

I also am going back to school full time. I start on Monday and am extremely excited. My goal with that is to learn a lot, stay focus and succeed! 

Well, that is all! I know my list is short but with school, work, and a 1 year old to take care of, quilting time is very limited! I am determined and hope to be able to cross it all of the list!
From Sept. 2010- December 2010 I finished 7 quilts and 3 quilt tops. And lots of little mini extra projects. I would say that was a major score! ;)

Sunday, January 1, 2012

To a New Year!

I hope all of you have a safe and happy new year!
Welcome 2012, I cannot wait to see what you hold for myself and my family.

My little one has been spoiled the last couple days..
(Okay, let's be honest.. she is ALWAYS super spoiled..)
But she finally had her first trip to Build-A-Bear:

She built a kitty and was so heart breakingly adorable with it!
And then to top it off..

I know I started the new year off right..

With a little bit of new fabric, of course!
I will miss a lot of this year.