Sunday, March 25, 2012

Birthday Skirt!

My sister wanted me to make a skirt for her, after she'd seen the one I made for my daughter.
I agreed and began looking around when I went to the fabric store.
I saw some fabric that I just totally loved and knew was her.
However, I didn't get any.
I visited Fabric Depot again and it was there, looking at me.
And I knew it was the one.

While the little miss was sleeping, I worked hard on getting this skirt done.
And finished before her birthday (which is tomorrow)
(My sister, not my daughter)

Anyhow, she loves it.
And I am jealous. ;)

Love, love, love.

I let her wear it to work today, even though her birthday isn't until tomorrow.
We had to do a flash photo shoot before she jetted off to work.
So I am not allowed to post any pictures that had her face until she approves that she looks okay. ;)

Friday, March 23, 2012

The End is Here!

I am so proud to say that I have made it through my first term back at school!
Now I am anxiously waiting for my grades to be posted.
And I keep frantically checking. 
I worked my ass off.
And put so much pressure on myself.
Fingers crossed for a 4.0!

Anyways, back to work on two custom orders.
I need to make a skirt for my sister's birthday which is Monday.
I also hope to finish my husband's quilt that he has been wanting.
We are moving on April tenth, which is also our anniversary.
I think that it will be quite the surprise for him.

I have two weeks of break! 
Cheers to sewing!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Jealous and in love.

So that quilt that I was working on till 2 am;
Well, I finished it when my little one was sleeping today.
(Just as I said I would. ;) )

And I am so in love with it.
I didn't think that I would be at first,
but when it started coming together.
I just couldn't help myself.

It's so pretty!
And honestly, I am jealous that this will not be staying at my house for my little girl!

All I have to do it add a border, sandwich the layers, quilt it, bind it and it's done.

Eeps! I am lovin' it!

2 AM

Ten grueling weeks ago, I went back to school for the first time in four years. 
I mistakenly didn't think that my sewing time would be quite so interrupted,
but BOY OH BOY was I wrong.

I have had zero time to sew, except 2 projects.
That was not enough.
And I have been suffering majorly.

Well, FINALLY the term is over 
(besides finals).

About two weeks ago, I had someone come to me and request two special order quilts, one for her daughter (who is the same age as my daughter almost to the day) and one for her baby who is due this July. I was so excited that she came to me, and I of course took on the project!
So tonight was the night.
The first night that I have been able to sew guilt free.
And I took full advantage!

 I got my set up going, and just went to town.
I just couldn't stop.
And I cut, and pieced all of my final blocks together. :)
I wish I could push through and just finish the quilt top,
however, with a little one, I have to be smart.
So I will just finish it up during her nap time tomorrow.

Oh it feels so good to be back at my machine.
And I honestly think that she missed me too, because she was sewin' like a dream tonight.

Two last things:
1.) Tonight I realized my new found love of orange fabric. I want to get more of the orange pictured above to make my daughter a skirt.
2.) I never realized how incredibly soft organic cotton is, until tonight.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A Success!

Of course the last 9 weeks have been hard on me as I have not been able to sew much. But every time I have a second, you can catch me sleeping sewing.
Today was no exception.
As soon as I put the little one down for her nap
I instantly got to work.
I used the material that I did since I have had it for a very long time
(one of the first fabrics I ever bought)
I figured it would be my tester..

But the little skirt that I made for my daughter was a really big success. 
It looks so super cute
And it fits just perfectly! (Now ain't that something!)

 I just love it!

Ps, I couldn't get any super good pictures as she was so into blowing the bubbles, and the bubbles were the only way I could get her to stand some what still. Hahah.
But trust me, it's darling. 