Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Holiday Cheer..

I have to admit that I have not spent much time at my sewing machine lately. 
The thought is always in my mind but the holiday really wiped me out!
I was so tired, but after catching up on my sleep last night, I finally sat down to sew this afternoon when my little one was sleeping.

This is what I created:
A little draw string bag! So awesome!
All I know is that it was quick, easy and I want to make more!

But before I start that, I shall probably finish up a few quilts..
We will see. ;)

Monday, December 19, 2011

Tiny Sewer.

This morning I found my 1 year old daughter like this;
Clearly she has caught the sewing bug that her mother has. ;)

Friday, December 16, 2011

Going Going Gone!

I am so pleased to say that tonight, right when doors opened, I had someone come up to me and want to buy my little boy quilt. (Which I named 'Dizzy Dinos', by the way.)

Remember this one!? Well, it will now be given to some expecting mother for her baby shower. I have to say, the feeling is SO surreal that someone bought a quilt of mine for someone. And that someone out in the world who I do not know will hopefully be giving this blanket lots of lovin'. 

I miss it already though. :( 
Right after it sold, I felt a piece of me leave. Ha, I know that sounds so lame, but I really did love this quilt and I really was SO proud of it.

However, on another note, I made something else to sell at the bazaar:
Felt hair clips! I loved them! And they were so much fun to make. :) 
No glue was used in these, just felt and embroidery floss.
My favorite? The snowman.
And you wouldn't believe it.. but it sold right off the bat.
I miss him too. Hah.

Anyways, one thing that i was really bummed about was that I never got to finish my jelly roll quilt. I have been having SO much trouble with it, and then just decided to relax and come back to it at a different time. (My husband is probably secretly glad though because he loves that quilt and wants to keep it.) I pieced the back because the original I bought was too small. Well, when I go to sew all the layers together, the back just gets all bunched and bad looking. I don't know if I am not basting it right or what, but this has NEVER happened.. 

..But then again, I've never made a quilt this big before.
I am open to suggestions.. anyone..

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

First Boy Quilt..

I have successfully completed my first little boy quilt. And I must say that I LOVE it..
As does my daughter.
I am almost tempted to make another just so that I can purchase this really really really cute robot fabric I saw at Fabric Depot last weekend.
Anyways here it is; COMPLETED and ready for a little boy's love:
(I even went out in the freezing cold with no shoes to take a picture so the colors would be more true to life! Haha)

And a closer up. Bugs on the back! Woo who!
Love it!

Gotta run, and get some things done around the house while my little one is sleeping. :)
Oh, I love seeing her all cuddled up with quilts I have made for her. <3

Friday, December 2, 2011


Although again it is HORRID picture quality, I SWEAR soon I will have a better computer that I can actually hook my camera to, I finished my baby girl quilt 100 percent. 
Now as I was quilting all of the layers together, I suddenly realized I had never really planned out a fabric to do for my binding and I was suddenly stuck in pickle.
Digging through my fabric stash I pulled out one of the only super solids that I have.. yellow.
I toyed with the idea and ultimately decided I would do it.
Now the quilt itself has pink and green but I thought that it would compliment it nice, maybe even make it pop.
My sister said no, my husband said yes.
And.. my gut said yes..
If it ended up being horrid I could always change it.. right?!

Well, I am very pleased with the results and I am so glad that I went with the yellow. :)
I started off not liking this quilt, quite honestly.
But now I kind of love it and I hope that some little girl will love it too!

'Till next time! :)