Friday, December 16, 2011

Going Going Gone!

I am so pleased to say that tonight, right when doors opened, I had someone come up to me and want to buy my little boy quilt. (Which I named 'Dizzy Dinos', by the way.)

Remember this one!? Well, it will now be given to some expecting mother for her baby shower. I have to say, the feeling is SO surreal that someone bought a quilt of mine for someone. And that someone out in the world who I do not know will hopefully be giving this blanket lots of lovin'. 

I miss it already though. :( 
Right after it sold, I felt a piece of me leave. Ha, I know that sounds so lame, but I really did love this quilt and I really was SO proud of it.

However, on another note, I made something else to sell at the bazaar:
Felt hair clips! I loved them! And they were so much fun to make. :) 
No glue was used in these, just felt and embroidery floss.
My favorite? The snowman.
And you wouldn't believe it.. but it sold right off the bat.
I miss him too. Hah.

Anyways, one thing that i was really bummed about was that I never got to finish my jelly roll quilt. I have been having SO much trouble with it, and then just decided to relax and come back to it at a different time. (My husband is probably secretly glad though because he loves that quilt and wants to keep it.) I pieced the back because the original I bought was too small. Well, when I go to sew all the layers together, the back just gets all bunched and bad looking. I don't know if I am not basting it right or what, but this has NEVER happened.. 

..But then again, I've never made a quilt this big before.
I am open to suggestions.. anyone..

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