Monday, June 25, 2012

Favorite Color Combo.

There is just something about gray and yellow that I love.
It somehow just goes together so incredibly well. 

I had purchased a jelly roll of this fabric from JoAnn's as well as a charm pack.
And a yard of the gray fabric, which was my favorite. 

At first I had in my mind that I was going to make a quilt for me. 
One of my very own, but that has changed and this will probably end up being a child's quilt.
(Possibly to be kept for my new little one. ;) )

Please forgive the cell phone pictures that will follow. Ha.
Way too lazy at the moment.
I cut the jelly roll into 320 blocks.
Each 2.5 inches square.

I had an idea in mind for what I was going to do.
But as soon as I cut them.. a thousand (okay three) other ideas flooded my brain.

They all start with the same layout, so for that I am lucky.

I need to get to sewing.
I can't see what ends up actually happening. 

Friday, June 15, 2012

Sunshine Girl

I have finally been able to get out with some sunshine and snap a few quick photos of my newest favorite quilt. ;)
I had to be quick because we were at the park and my little one is very adventurous.

Anyhow, I will be taking it out again, 
but thought I would share. :)

It's so pretty and girly. 

Over the weekend, I finished up my Spring Term classes for school.
Decided against my better judgement and decided not to take any Summer classes.
I'd like the spend the summer relaxing, sewing and reading.
And that's what I plan to do!

Hoping to make and share some awesome goodies over the next few weeks!