Thursday, October 27, 2011

In With the Old.

So currently my Husband's and my budget have not allowed for the ever so fun splurging on fabric so I can store and stash. And as much as I would love to just go to the fabric store to look around.. I would REALLY have to control myself in not wanting all of the cute fabrics and things that they would so rudely be flaunting in my face. ;) 
So home I've stayed just looking at quilting blogs, getting inspired. 
Learning new things, such as the star that I showed in my previous post.. 
Speaking of, I actually made a few more of them here:

Still not sure where I am going with these, but I am positive that something will unfold itself.

Anyhow yesterday as my daughter and I were tearing apart my scrap bin looking to see what goods were hidden within, I found a bunch of squares that I had pieced almost if not over two years ago. WOW! It was one of my first things I did when I got my sewing machine. Then I must have got distracted (imagine that!) and went on creating other goods. Well, I busted it out and while the wee one was napping today I pieced all of the squares into strips and I plan to finish this quilt in the next day or two. :) I am really excited about it and actually am loving it even more then when I first made just the squares. Don't know what I am going to do with it when I am done, probably ANOTHER quilt for my daughter.. hahaha. :D

Any ways, pretty cool what you find when you are looking.

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